Influence strategic developments in your particular sector ensuring that the views of the individuals who receive services and those who deliver them are listened to.
Keep up to date with regular email updates on sector specific developments, initiatives, consultations and practice requirements.
Member Benefits*
Receive regular email communications containing CPD updates from the Health & Social Care Sector, information on sector developments, initiative, consultations and Government policy briefings.
Influence training, development and practice by being part of a collective independent voice.
Have access to local and national committees as a voice for employers, individuals and organisations delivering training, education and care services (including work with Skills for Care, Awarding Bodies and other professional organisations).
Build an information bank for colleagues and peers to support development of resources and training materials.
Reduced rates to conference and events.
Support business planning and sustainability by being aware of new initiatives.
Network with other likeminded people involved in the same type of health, social care and training activities and the promotion and use of Occupational Standards.
Opportunity to join the Executive Committee and influence ACTAN’s development.
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